Happy King
Pas génial !
47 m dall'hotel
Una guida ai migliori luoghi nelle vicinanze Le Centell Hotel & Spa
Plat rapidement servi, choix typiquement asiatique, super connexion wifi...pour un déjeuner rapide et correct; bon choix
237 m dall'hotel
Ancienne gare tranformée en hall d' exposition. Transformation remarquable a ne pas rater !
478 m dall'hotel
Boutique de décorations originales en senteurs, vêtements, bijoux...
499 m dall'hotel
Galerie marchande hall de la gare
Non smoking place is needed. Try to respect your surroundings in such place.
0.6 km dall'hotel
0.8 km dall'hotel
2 heures d attente pour une pizza froide.. Foutage de gueule !!
1.0 km dall'hotel
Tana Water Front
1.0 km dall'hotel
If you come near the Anosy lake stop here for some of the best dishes you could have in Madagascar, this guest house is a hidden gym in the capital with excellent interior designs.
1.6 km dall'hotel